And because i hate to sermonize

Here is another photo of Jacob. You can see what he did not get for Christmas.
The smacking thing is also interesting me, because of the very small parenting practice I have had with him. And although I haven't smacked him lots, he's much too old now anyway even if i wasn't changing my views on it, i did once, we were at the beach, and he ran full tilt into the water fully clothed, maybe even a nappy on, and i chased him and gave him a sharp whack on his little arm. And he stopped in shock. And I looked at him in horror. I was mad. I was frustrated. I lashed out. But was that necessarily the best way to alter his future behavioural patterns. And does my acting in that way encourage him to respect me anymore.
He brought it up, months later, in his funny little old soul way. And it just devastated me that he remembered it the way that he did. Not in a "i was naughty and so i got a smack" way. but in a "Bridie you totally lost your cool that day" way. And he was so tiny. But they know.