Home to my sweet broadband

Stepped off the plane and nearly got blown over. "We're home".
Long weekend here for anniversary weekend. Thank god. One day of reprieve before the return to work.....
Photo may appear too dark to see the maniacally grinning gringa behind the wheel. Or to truly depict the sheer horror painted across the passenger's face. (Explanation below)
At 11:41 am,
Mandy said…
Ex-boyfriend had a Moggy van. Bits fell off it now and again. Brakes jammed solid on a petrol station forecourt once - we got it back somehow and went for a bike ride instead. I think it wound up being used to store animal fodder in a field on his dad's farm...
I can relate to horrified grins.
At 10:38 pm,
Lavinia said…
Haha very cute.
It says a lot about your nature that you were able to see other peoples' grins and enjoy the ride despite the car trouble:)
At 1:41 am,
David said…
My folks had one when I was real little. It had indicator thingies that sort of popped out the side. But didn't actually work very well. Your indicators seem to be covered over. Was i built that way, or modified?
When I was a teenager staying on a farm, about ten of us took a Morry off across the fields to milking. There were about three guys on the bumper, and I was spreadeagled on the roof. Which was OK except the driver kept braking hard, then turning on the wipers as I slid down the windscreen. Brilliant car!
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