it's been a while since i have posted a photo

He was such a good sport about it. And i've been showing everyone. Even emailed it to his friend at work, who immediately printed it in colour and posted it up in his office.
He's gone to Europe now.
I went to listen to Holly smith at the botanical gardens tonight. I think that's her name. It was tempestously windy, spinning the coloured lights and bubbles around in a surreal acid-induced fashion. but it was a nice night. and rose is here from london, and Keren is here from the Hague.
At 10:57 pm,
David said…
Hooray for NZ honey! Australian honey seems to come in one boring clovery flavour. I usually return from NZ with several kilos of manuka and other dark flavours. However much I can carry without going over my airline weight allowance.
There is a honey shop just down the highway from my folks, where you can taste new flavours with tiny icecream sticks. I have some Tawari in the fridge that I fell in love with, and it also comes from the Honey Hive. So you might know the bees involved?
At 11:50 pm,
The Douros said…
Hell, I should have been more careful! I choked on my coffee, and half the office turned to look at me...
It's your (real) feet, both of you, the way they stick out at the bottom of the panel. I presume that you are both squatting or something, to get your heads at the right altitude, but the result is rather funny, just imagine...
Anyway, nice to see you're happy. And, correct me if I am wrong, this is the first time in this blog that you are posting your face for the general public.
I am afraid I cannot comment on the honey, my views would be extremely biased (sorry aussies, sorry kiwis, greek thyme honey simply kicks ass...)
At 7:24 pm,
Martha Craig said…
Darn, wish I'd been able to get out to Hollie Smith last night. She is amazing.
Cool picture.
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