I know it looks like i'm posing for these, but i wasn't, i was a bit scared of the undertow

I am on leave again now for ten days. Baby sister is back in four sleeps. They are having a party in Chile for her tonight (well, her tonight, which will be tomorrow morning, I'm going to try and call you Kel, but I won't be able to persist if you're tied up, gotta get on the road by about 6:30am i reckon).
Things to pack:
present for dad, stepmum and baby sister, as have not seen any of them since Christmas;
disco ball;
passport application which I still haven't got photos for.....
ipod for loooooooong road trip;
CD full of cool photos of me and the boy on holiday to show whanau;
something to read;
camera for beautiful summery shots of the peaceful seasidey town i'll be staying at;
a sense of humour, for the potent dose of family i'll be getting in the next week.
I had lunch with my very sweet friend who I met in Weir House, the student hostel I lived in for my first year at Uni. She now lives in the Hague, and studies the violin in Rotterdam. I like her, and I told her this today, because her eyes are always sparkling, she is effervescent and appears to be thoroughly enjoying life. She is bouncy, like Tigger. She has a friend over in the Hague who owns a violin that is worth 100,000 dollars. It is from the 1600s. My friend wants to get a job with the NZSO but apparently they are too cool for school now because our legislation concerning royalties means they have been able to do some recording that other people can't, and they have consequently got a name for themselves. So she might stay over there for awhile and get even more awesome. She likes it there. But it was good to see her after nearly three years, and I'm going to stay with her in the Netherlands this year! I'll get a photo of her. You'd like her a lot.
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