Get me to the church on time
Shattered. Snuck away from work at 4 on Friday to drive with the Bears and Slee to Napier to stay at the bride's parents' home. Got up early Saturday morning after a sleep out in the lounge to continue north to Waipiro Bay, 100kms or so north of Gisborne and the bride's whanaus marae. Cute (steaming hot) little church nearby as the venue for the ceremony, standing room only in the back for us young ones. The reception meant lots of speeches, lots of singing, lots of food, lots of people, but it wound down rather early. Or maybe, exhausted from the journey there (and some of us suffering from minimal sleep from the previous night), we wound down rather early. I was disappointed about not having a dance. Got teary over the haka (rather inexplicably). Delighted when the beautiful bride serenaded us by candlelight (and at the opportunity to use my head torch) when the power went out for half an hour or so at the end of almost all the ceremony at the reception. Too chicken shit (and sober) to get up and do the karaoke. Had a good sleep in the marae up the road that night having drunk very little. The red fireman snored only briefly. Spent all of today journeying the whole way back to Wellington. Arrived home with a pink paper wide brimmed hat and a monstrous sunflower.
Was feeling just the teensiest bit wistful about the groom's apparent unadulterated adoration of his bride. Feeling slightly anxious about the Bears impending nuptials, and living up to the occasion with a speech. Thinking I probably wouldn't cope that well in a lavish ceremony of my own.....
Was feeling just the teensiest bit wistful about the groom's apparent unadulterated adoration of his bride. Feeling slightly anxious about the Bears impending nuptials, and living up to the occasion with a speech. Thinking I probably wouldn't cope that well in a lavish ceremony of my own.....
At 12:31 am,
The Douros said…
Did I get this right? Did you actually go to someone's wedding wearing a head torch?
Oh dear...
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