I have a sore throat. The boy has a cold. I got to work this morning and my manager asked how i was, and I said, I have a sore throat. She came back a few minutes later with a glass of Berocca for me. Which is nice. But there was probably an element of self-interest in the gesture as I'm sure she doesn't want me to drop dead right now seeing as I am working my lily white ass off. I am teaching the new girl my job, and I have a feeling I might be crap at it, mostly because I don't do structure so well. I am contemporaneously learning my new job, and quite enjoyed kicking up a stink today by telling my big teddy bear tutor he's too soft and hand holding and needs to be telling the dodgy docs to fuck off a bit sooner in the piece. I think I may have won some ground, mostly cause he's fond of me (not like that)....
I talked to Dad and stepma tonight and discovered Grandma is turning 80 at the end of next month, and all my dad's whanau (there's like 8 in dad's family, and about 30 or 40 of their progeny) are getting together in Tauranga. I'm going to fly up there to be saturated in eccentricity for the weekend. They're all fucking nuts. I guess I have tendencies....
I was in the bathroom at work at about 5:15pm this evening getting changed to go to Tae Bo at the Uni gym (it sounds lame, but it makes me nostalgic for TKD, I'm thinking bout turning up next week with my yellow belt on.....) and the freakin fire alarm went, for I dunno, the 4th time in a month because of all the renovations going on in my building, I think the dust triggers it. And if i had to go down the 14 flights of stairs, get ticked off, and then go back up and get my stuff, I would have missed my class. Instead I flew out of the bathroom, threw everything in my backpack, and was shutting down my computer, when the warden came up behind me and said, can you please leave now in a very, - are you completely stark raving mad lady - tone? And I was the last person left on the floor to vacate. I guess I could have died if there was a real fire. There was definitely some rub
bery fumes at ground level. But I made my aerobics class and got a front row spot and the little instructor with the seriously defined abs and the cute bandana is worth risking life and limb for....if only my crappy ole sore throat would bugger off....
This isn't from my office window, but it's kind of in the same direction. We're on the poor cousin side of the building, the other side where all our meetings are is over-looking the harbour. Maybe i'll take some shots out the window and see what happens....
I talked to Dad and stepma tonight and discovered Grandma is turning 80 at the end of next month, and all my dad's whanau (there's like 8 in dad's family, and about 30 or 40 of their progeny) are getting together in Tauranga. I'm going to fly up there to be saturated in eccentricity for the weekend. They're all fucking nuts. I guess I have tendencies....
I was in the bathroom at work at about 5:15pm this evening getting changed to go to Tae Bo at the Uni gym (it sounds lame, but it makes me nostalgic for TKD, I'm thinking bout turning up next week with my yellow belt on.....) and the freakin fire alarm went, for I dunno, the 4th time in a month because of all the renovations going on in my building, I think the dust triggers it. And if i had to go down the 14 flights of stairs, get ticked off, and then go back up and get my stuff, I would have missed my class. Instead I flew out of the bathroom, threw everything in my backpack, and was shutting down my computer, when the warden came up behind me and said, can you please leave now in a very, - are you completely stark raving mad lady - tone? And I was the last person left on the floor to vacate. I guess I could have died if there was a real fire. There was definitely some rub

This isn't from my office window, but it's kind of in the same direction. We're on the poor cousin side of the building, the other side where all our meetings are is over-looking the harbour. Maybe i'll take some shots out the window and see what happens....
At 2:41 am,
Lavinia said…
The view from my office is as 'poor cousin' as you can get. I look out onto the side of another building and have a decent patch of sky.
I have to physically go down 5 floors and go outside to enjoy the square and whatnot.
Get better soon!
At 1:47 pm,
Cece Martinez said…
Yuck to aerobics! I never get the hang of it and I end up looking like a total dumb ass.
ESPECIALLY when they throw that step in there.
damn that step...
At 4:41 pm,
Jessie said…
Oh, when are you coming to Auckland? Maybe we can catch up.. Btw, my Killer Head Cold started with a sore throat.
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