I'm a teency booozed again. On a school night. But it's work related....so perhaps that makes it justifiable? And if someone is to put a whole lot of very nice Pinot under my nose I can't be faulted for drinkinit, surely....
To counter the ablove, I would like to show that I'm not completely hopeless and degenerate. Occasionally I read, although not with any great enthusiasm lately, in large part due to the energy I have invested in this worthy establishment you're reading I sppose, and the time I spend reciprocating the attention.
At the moment, I'm slogging my way through E. M. Forster's 'A Passage to India'. I like this bit:
Would he meet her beyond the tomb? Is there such a meeting-place? Though orthodox, he did not know. God's unity was indubitable and indubitably announced, but on all other points he wavered like the average Christian; his belief in the life to come would pale to a hope, vanish, reappear, all in a single sentence or a dozen heart-beats, so that the corpuscles of his blood rather than he seemed to decide which opinion he should hold, and for how long. It was so with all his opinions. Nothing stayed, nothing passed that did not return; the circulation was ceaseless and kept him young, and he mourned his wife the more sincerely becaue he mourned her seldom.
.....the more sincerely because he mourned her seldom.....i like that a lot.

By the way. who's the asshole that said they didn't believe in faeries? Okay, everyone clap your hands. That's it....it's working....
Sorry for typos. Eyes swimming.....
To counter the ablove, I would like to show that I'm not completely hopeless and degenerate. Occasionally I read, although not with any great enthusiasm lately, in large part due to the energy I have invested in this worthy establishment you're reading I sppose, and the time I spend reciprocating the attention.
At the moment, I'm slogging my way through E. M. Forster's 'A Passage to India'. I like this bit:
Would he meet her beyond the tomb? Is there such a meeting-place? Though orthodox, he did not know. God's unity was indubitable and indubitably announced, but on all other points he wavered like the average Christian; his belief in the life to come would pale to a hope, vanish, reappear, all in a single sentence or a dozen heart-beats, so that the corpuscles of his blood rather than he seemed to decide which opinion he should hold, and for how long. It was so with all his opinions. Nothing stayed, nothing passed that did not return; the circulation was ceaseless and kept him young, and he mourned his wife the more sincerely becaue he mourned her seldom.
.....the more sincerely because he mourned her seldom.....i like that a lot.

By the way. who's the asshole that said they didn't believe in faeries? Okay, everyone clap your hands. That's it....it's working....
Sorry for typos. Eyes swimming.....
At 10:04 am,
David said…
I think the message of the photo is "drunk pixies are often injured falling out of their perches in potplants".
This seems more likely than "boozed up Pixie turns psychotic, beats other pixies to death with a blunt object, dumps their bodies under a potplant, and then photographs them so she can post the photos to the Internet in order to distract attention from her bum".
At 6:44 pm,
David said…
Is pixie murder a crime? They're not human, after all. Maybe being under the influence of alcohol is an acceptable defence?
At 10:57 pm,
Pix said…
Intoxication is a defence if you are so inebriated as to be unable to form the mental element required of the crime.
But not for murder.
I think that's right. But i'm not a lawyer after all....
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