
I like how Julia Robert's character in Pretty Woman wouldn't kiss on the mouth, because of the intimacy it symbolised. And I'm always impressed how they manage to make kissing look so clean and synchronised in the movies. I know they practice, but real life kisses are never quite so pretty to watch.
I also like how loaded a kiss can be. Kisses can be heart-wrenching goodbyes, or hungry hellos, an expected precursor to, or initiation of, more heated affection. And I like how a really good kiss can stay with you, a tingle on your lips, for a long time after. And I'm not talking the burn from too much stubble.
My first kiss was horrible. I was 14, and the boy was my cousin's best mate. He was 15 or 16, and I thought he was kinda cute, but I remember his tongue being all hard and worm like and coming up for air feeling like I'd just opened my mouth to our dog I was so covered in saliva. And then walking around the corner from the house where I left him and spitting into a garden.
First kisses with anyone don't do the art justice. It's awkward, and it amazed me after having only kissed one boy over a 7 year period how completely different the experience could be with someone else, and the adjustment that was required. I think the important thing with those initial kisses is, unless you're just wanting to hurry up and get it over with so you can shag them, to take it easy. I know it's a cliche, about taking things slowly, but it's nice to tease it out a bit, just to give a taste of potential, a promise of something more. I'm not saying kiss em like you're a corpse. There's just really no need for Rhett Butler/Scarlett O'Hara theatrics until there's some history, some psychological element, to fire that.
But I suppose if practise makes perfect, there are much worse things requiring effort to get it right....
At 8:19 pm,
Pix said…
I probably should have pointed out that while I took the original photo, Mr Darwinian Evolution made it beautiful like that.
Thanks again.
At 10:45 pm,
Pix said…
Awww comeon people. Stop trying to tarnish the desperate/single/alone/neurotic thing I have going with this blog. Obviously I have been at home all weekend watching Pretty Woman over and over....
And Bear, I love that you just said "I'm gonna marry". Sounded very decisive and well-adjusted. Kind of like you're my nemesis....
At 11:22 pm,
Ultra Toast Mosha God said…
The first time I kissed my other half was pretty much perfect.
She walked me to the door and we kissed briefly, but passionately.
Time shuffled its feet and looked at its shoes. The snow stopped falling for a moment, trying awkwardly to avoid our presence, and noise turned away to peruse a nearby flower bed.
Then it was over, happily wandering around in my brain forever.
At 7:06 am,
The Douros said…
Hey, it looks like you've had a productive weekend... Well done!
I guess you will no longer be needing the consignment that you requested last week. Shall I cancel your order then? I suppose you can still have the fries though...
Desperate? You? Is this the joke of the week?
At 2:45 pm,
Cece Martinez said…
Kisses during sex. The pinnacle of intimacy I think.
Where's Roy?!?
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