September 19, 2006

Miss Pix of the High Court

Well just to put to rest those vicious circles circulating about me having an attitoood, I had my first solo appearance in Court today (my practising certificate arrived in my hot little hands and my bosses eyes just gleamed) and my stomach is still uneasy from how nervous i was. Of course i wouldn't tell off a judge! I'm only little.

But it was good to get it over with.

Then i went and saw my own lawyer about the evil auntie to little effect. Stupid lawyers.

Thank you for all your kindness about my inadequate handling of solitoood. The boy has booked plane tickets for a week and a half away and we are talking beautifully every night at the moment. So that's nice. And at some stage i need to hunt down L-Boogie and the Boston Bear.


  • At 8:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are amazing! What bravery and courage. That would be seriously nerve wracking.

  • At 11:51 pm, Blogger The Douros said…

    Well done! (That "I'm only little" clause, I don't believe it for a single minute!)

  • At 11:52 pm, Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said…

    What the hell is this Boogie and L Bear business?

    Please elaborate

  • At 12:07 pm, Blogger David said…

    Was the crim you were defending found guilty, or innocent?

  • At 1:42 am, Blogger Barry said…

    Ah, so you're one of us. Congratulations.


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