I just adore Barcelona. I think it has been my best city yet. Italia would be, and shall remain, my best country. But Barcelona is, well i have been here for two days and I feel at home. It is big. And crazy. And I had two separate groups of men accosting me today while i was sucking on an iceblock ¿you can imagine? but i just love all the architecture and the food ¿we went to the most unbelievable restaurant last night, it is going to get its whole own separate entry at some stage? and the Sangria and the trees and parks and the weird sculpture things every where you look and the Zooª Today i went to the zoo. I was tired of museums and art and yes, even Gaudi, and i went to the zoo while Sally went to look at Picasso. And i was teary eyed for quite a large part of the experience because it was just a thousand times better than anything we have at home. Some of the enclosures were quite cosy, sort of like our little cubble hole dorm room right in the heart of the city, but the animals were animated, and healthy looking, and they all had mates. And there were lots of babies. One of my standout highlights of this entire trip will be the hour or so i spent watching the dolphins. They did one of those shows, and i felt five years old i was so excited by it all. I dont think i have ever seen a live dolphin close up before. I am just ecstatic.
unfortunately, our stay has been cut short due to the fact that unless we leave tonight we cant get a train until thursday. So we are taking another night one to San Sebastian. But i am coming back here. I would like to live here. I want to take my kids to that zoo....
unfortunately, our stay has been cut short due to the fact that unless we leave tonight we cant get a train until thursday. So we are taking another night one to San Sebastian. But i am coming back here. I would like to live here. I want to take my kids to that zoo....
At 11:51 pm,
Ultra Toast Mosha God said…
Yay Barcelona!
I have always wanted to go there too. Everyone seems to think it's beautiful.
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