Lights camera action
At the moment some phd psych students are filming a research video in my flat about memory. I had a part, my name was Candy. I stuffed it up. But i wore pink and have a small hickey on my neck, which i think was appropriately candi-ish.
The romantic weekend was...........exhausting. I'm not being dirty. I don't even think the hickey was imparted as an act of passion, more's the pity. I got pmsey, and he got tired; we drove 1000km in 2 days, the last leg of the journey done in a panic with us disoriented and unsure how late we were going to be for the ferry. We did everything on the itinerary, we visited some incredibly beautiful places, we ate at exquisite wineries and strolled through gardens in full bloom. There were some very very nice funny intimate moments. I was just........tired by last night.
So i'll focus on the best parts. How he was affectionately grumbly (and apparently not the least bit surprised) when he arrived thursday night to take us to the airport and i wasn't packed. How i spilt my water all over my lap at the airport cause i had the shakes i was so excited, and he got me something to eat cause he knows about the low blood sugar thing now. The sunset as we were flying out of Wellington. The rotund wine-inspired belly on the lovely Urologist who picked us up. The walk from the square and that beautiful cathedral (I know, I know, it's not a patch on the ones in Europe but I like it) through the botanic gardens to the university. The lady with a huge brood of dogs, including those odd little Men in Black sidekicks that look unnatural they're so........human. The fireplace at the restaurant in Sumner. Being so tired that the ebullient birds didn't wake us up at the crack of dawn the second morning in the huge hundred year old wooden house we were staying in. Lolling in the sun-baked pebbles on Birdlings Flat beach, the pebbles turned all manner of precious colours when wet. Realising after the drive to Akaroa that we actually loved that little bright orange Suzuki sewing machine we'd rented. A kilo of cherries from the little blonde girl with the evil parents for 6 bucks. The fact i didn't kill us and Swifty when i failed to merge appropriately with a huge truck on the way back into Christchurch. His suit jacket being on the coat rack when we had to turn back 15 minutes towards Hanmer Springs because i'd left something behind. Our cute little motel room with the warm cottagey decor (even the felt pink and purple seats). My bikini staying attached to my body at the springs. Leaving Hanmer at 10 in the morning and arriving in Wellington via Mapua (west of Nelson) at 9 at night and still managing a kiss goodbye at the end of the night.
Inclement relations aside, it was an amazing weekend. Just needed to throw in a few hours for some reading, reflection and lavishing of attention.
The romantic weekend was...........exhausting. I'm not being dirty. I don't even think the hickey was imparted as an act of passion, more's the pity. I got pmsey, and he got tired; we drove 1000km in 2 days, the last leg of the journey done in a panic with us disoriented and unsure how late we were going to be for the ferry. We did everything on the itinerary, we visited some incredibly beautiful places, we ate at exquisite wineries and strolled through gardens in full bloom. There were some very very nice funny intimate moments. I was just........tired by last night.
So i'll focus on the best parts. How he was affectionately grumbly (and apparently not the least bit surprised) when he arrived thursday night to take us to the airport and i wasn't packed. How i spilt my water all over my lap at the airport cause i had the shakes i was so excited, and he got me something to eat cause he knows about the low blood sugar thing now. The sunset as we were flying out of Wellington. The rotund wine-inspired belly on the lovely Urologist who picked us up. The walk from the square and that beautiful cathedral (I know, I know, it's not a patch on the ones in Europe but I like it) through the botanic gardens to the university. The lady with a huge brood of dogs, including those odd little Men in Black sidekicks that look unnatural they're so........human. The fireplace at the restaurant in Sumner. Being so tired that the ebullient birds didn't wake us up at the crack of dawn the second morning in the huge hundred year old wooden house we were staying in. Lolling in the sun-baked pebbles on Birdlings Flat beach, the pebbles turned all manner of precious colours when wet. Realising after the drive to Akaroa that we actually loved that little bright orange Suzuki sewing machine we'd rented. A kilo of cherries from the little blonde girl with the evil parents for 6 bucks. The fact i didn't kill us and Swifty when i failed to merge appropriately with a huge truck on the way back into Christchurch. His suit jacket being on the coat rack when we had to turn back 15 minutes towards Hanmer Springs because i'd left something behind. Our cute little motel room with the warm cottagey decor (even the felt pink and purple seats). My bikini staying attached to my body at the springs. Leaving Hanmer at 10 in the morning and arriving in Wellington via Mapua (west of Nelson) at 9 at night and still managing a kiss goodbye at the end of the night.
Inclement relations aside, it was an amazing weekend. Just needed to throw in a few hours for some reading, reflection and lavishing of attention.
At 10:53 pm,
David said…
I find it hard to believe that you were drinking water. Is this a new thing?
At 7:21 am,
Pix said…
If only i could take the moral high ground....but I had a glass of wine in front of me when I spilt the water.
At 5:42 am,
scunthorpe said…
Wow a video in your flat! I usually get some microbiolgy majors in full bio hazard suits doing a video in my fridge. Dunno what its about but I'm sure they work for the CIA or worse.
Fondest regards from the web manager from hell. (refer david's weird site)
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