Don't work too hard

Louby is always sending me email forwards at work, and notwithstanding the fact I love her to bits, I am indiscriminate in my instant deletion of forwards. Usually because they say some bullshit like if you don't forward this on to 37 different people in the next 60 seconds you will be struck down by lightning before your next birthday. But the reference to NY city caught my eye (I'm completely enamoured with the idea of being there. There and Southern Italy and Vietnam and Japan.) So I read this and was suitably repulsed. Ugghhh.
The gym instructor with the bandanas and the six pack came and adjusted me while we were doing abs tonight (that one where you are parallel to the floor balancing on your clenched fists and feet like a bridge). I got a flirtatious little twin tweak on the ass at the end of the adjustment which makes me suspect my standing right up at the front staring at her in awe has been rewarded. Oh, i'm just fucking around. It's my blog, I can if I want.
Tiny hint of trouble in paradise the other night, as a result of aforesaid foreign entity imposed in my space for a sustained period I think between certain hours that were just not etiquette. Unfortunately me throwing my toys ever so gently resulted in flowers and chocolate, and him making an effort to bond with the flatmates. One of the flatmates suggested this was not a good learning experience for me.....
At 10:12 pm,
Ultra Toast Mosha God said…
I hate those damn forwarding emails. It also saddens me that people feel obliged to send them on.
Kudos for the somewhat unprofessional groping by your instructor!!!
At 2:44 am,
David said…
How dare he upset our Pixie!
Send him over and I'll sort him out for you.
At 12:04 pm,
David said…
Well it's hardly likely that your little brother is going to intimidate boyfriends and keep them in line. And someone has to do it.
At 2:59 pm,
David said…
So little sister is happy to take on the intimidating older brother roll?
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