Oh no, not work tomorrow
It has been a long weekend here, and I have done precious little and it has been rather blissful in that sense. I like the boy a lot. A lot. But I think we ODed on each other a little over the weekend. We bbqued, slept in late, ate cooked breakfasts, watched dvds, finally dragged our lazy asses out for a walk along the eastern walkway yesterday where i got my first sunburn for the summer, strolled around the shops (finalised the glasses order). And it was nice. Really nice. But I was in his truck last night and like a weighty woollen blanket the realisation settled on me that we'd kindof flown solo the entire weekend, no socialising, no real new encounters or experiences, and the domesticity of it choked me up in an anaconda round my throat way. And then to cap it off, I met his 90 year old gran today. She's just gorgeous. She is all the stuff that little old gran's should be made of. Tiny with a cane and wispy white hair and adorable sneezes and a bandage on her forehead where she fell over and a way of talking that conveys a sense of a life at sunset. She was so sweet, and kept telling the boy how lucky he was. Unfortunately she has a touch of dementia, and the boy emphasised that I got lucky today with her mood.
I never wrote anything about the snow. We stole away from work early Friday and had lunch in the sun in Seatoun, and then meandered leisurely northwards. Stopped in Taihape at this cute little restaurant for tea, sat in 'the booth' which had an old wooden phone affixed to the wall above us. Arrived at Rimu Park Lodge in Ohakune at about 9, just in time to jump into the spa. Was me and 4 boys on the trip, and i was the only novice, but i got looked after very well. Had a private lesson for the first hour in the snow with him dragging me back up the hill by my poles, and that got me moving enough to join a class, and then I was off. And I mean off in the sense that I took a little girl out when I got the speed wobbles, and my signature breaking move involved a lot of snow up the back of my jacket, but I surprised myself with how much fun I had. Came down off the mountain in a euphoric state, suspended in the chairlift high above the mountain, which was just breathtakingly beautiful, the snow losing the battle to the changing seasons leaving the earth chocolatey barren and rocky below. It was bitterly cold, but I was warmly conscious of this figure sitting next to me that had really been incredibly sweet and patient and protective the entire day.
That night I sat around a table with five boys and we polished off a bottle of tequila. Then they carried on with the whiskey, but I had one and just couldn't cope. I vaguely remember dancing off in to the night arm in arm to this pub called the Powderkeg, having shots of something that cost 20 bucks for two of them, eating pizza (actually I can't really remember that but the boy assures me I did) drinking something else I don't know how to spell, Yeigermaster and red bull or something, having a dance, then later back at the lodge playing a game of chess with a Burmese boy that actually involved the other guys telling me what to do with my pieces, and one of them who I had only met that night calling me Punkin, so by the time the conversation drifted around to the subject of the women in our country who are in powerful roles not being real women, I was tequila-fired up enough to let loose some feminist tirade that probably wasn't all that coherent but was loud and solitary enough to get the boy a bit concerned and for some reason pissed off that his mates weren't behaving better. I woke up the next morning convinced I was going to hurl, but felt much better after a big breakfast. And by the time we went for a walk up to that waterfall that I posted pics of a bit further back I was feeling a box of birds and he was starting to drag his feet. He professes no great love for the outdoors much but it was his bloody idea to go on the walk.
Anyway, he zoned out on the trip back and I drove his truck most of the way, which is very similar to my stepdads except it's petrol run and a lot gruntier. We stopped at the beach at Raumati on the way home which was just gorgeous, and then had dinner back at my flat. Two weekends in a row in each others pockets. No wonder I'm a bit yikesy. Still, he's off to Fiji for 8 days this week, so that'll be downtime. And I'll probably end up missing him like mad stupid gurl...
I never wrote anything about the snow. We stole away from work early Friday and had lunch in the sun in Seatoun, and then meandered leisurely northwards. Stopped in Taihape at this cute little restaurant for tea, sat in 'the booth' which had an old wooden phone affixed to the wall above us. Arrived at Rimu Park Lodge in Ohakune at about 9, just in time to jump into the spa. Was me and 4 boys on the trip, and i was the only novice, but i got looked after very well. Had a private lesson for the first hour in the snow with him dragging me back up the hill by my poles, and that got me moving enough to join a class, and then I was off. And I mean off in the sense that I took a little girl out when I got the speed wobbles, and my signature breaking move involved a lot of snow up the back of my jacket, but I surprised myself with how much fun I had. Came down off the mountain in a euphoric state, suspended in the chairlift high above the mountain, which was just breathtakingly beautiful, the snow losing the battle to the changing seasons leaving the earth chocolatey barren and rocky below. It was bitterly cold, but I was warmly conscious of this figure sitting next to me that had really been incredibly sweet and patient and protective the entire day.
That night I sat around a table with five boys and we polished off a bottle of tequila. Then they carried on with the whiskey, but I had one and just couldn't cope. I vaguely remember dancing off in to the night arm in arm to this pub called the Powderkeg, having shots of something that cost 20 bucks for two of them, eating pizza (actually I can't really remember that but the boy assures me I did) drinking something else I don't know how to spell, Yeigermaster and red bull or something, having a dance, then later back at the lodge playing a game of chess with a Burmese boy that actually involved the other guys telling me what to do with my pieces, and one of them who I had only met that night calling me Punkin, so by the time the conversation drifted around to the subject of the women in our country who are in powerful roles not being real women, I was tequila-fired up enough to let loose some feminist tirade that probably wasn't all that coherent but was loud and solitary enough to get the boy a bit concerned and for some reason pissed off that his mates weren't behaving better. I woke up the next morning convinced I was going to hurl, but felt much better after a big breakfast. And by the time we went for a walk up to that waterfall that I posted pics of a bit further back I was feeling a box of birds and he was starting to drag his feet. He professes no great love for the outdoors much but it was his bloody idea to go on the walk.
Anyway, he zoned out on the trip back and I drove his truck most of the way, which is very similar to my stepdads except it's petrol run and a lot gruntier. We stopped at the beach at Raumati on the way home which was just gorgeous, and then had dinner back at my flat. Two weekends in a row in each others pockets. No wonder I'm a bit yikesy. Still, he's off to Fiji for 8 days this week, so that'll be downtime. And I'll probably end up missing him like mad stupid gurl...
At 10:54 pm,
Ultra Toast Mosha God said…
It's easy to OD on love early in the relationship.
Sounds like you are keeping it in check though.
Jaegermeister. Ugh.
At 11:40 pm,
The Douros said…
Jaegermeister! Ugh - indeed!
This is the kind of stuff that only feels OK if you're already halfway on the path to unconsciousness. No wonder you felt putrid the morning after...
At 4:52 pm,
Cece Martinez said…
Lucky girl.
At 11:02 pm,
The Douros said…
No, it ain't purple, it's clear, but the way it tastes it might as well be...
At 11:31 am,
Mandy said…
Meths are purple - I can see where someone could easily mix that and Jaegermeister up. You'd probably feel less awful after drinking meths, tho'.
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